ELA 5/6

American Literature Course Description

"Once social change begins it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person that has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore."

- Cesar Chavez

Knowledge is power and it is a power that no one can take from you. Unfortunately, in America the educational system serves to mass produce obedient workers. Can you listen to instructions? Can you obey rules? Can you memorize random facts and pass a test to prove you know those useless facts? Our educational system is not broken, in fact, it is thriving, doing exactly what it was built to do. So what does this have to do with English 5/6? Well friends, English 5/6 is American Literature and we are going to study various American authors this year. Skills and improvement are our main focus while we discuss the topic of consideration: AMERICA! But who’s America you ask? Let’s find out...

ELA 5/6 Syllabus 2022-23